- Category
- Arabidopsis Antibodies 3238
- Grain Crops Antibodies 748
- Cash Crops Antibodies 1053
- Vegetable Crops Antibodies 523
- Energy And Herbaceous Crops Antibodies 524
- Other Species Antibodies 201
- Algae Antibodies 394
- Modified Antibody 1
- Plant Pathogens Antibodies 58
- Tag antibodies 13
- GMO Antibodies 7
- Other Antibodies 108
- Secondary Antibodies 3
- Proteins 1
- Others 19
Starting at $318.00
Immunogen: ABS72061 Background:
Sweet potato virus G (SPVG) -
Starting at $318.00
Immunogen: YP_006423942 Background:
Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV) -
Starting at $318.00
Immunogen: A0A410YDL4 QAV52483 Background:
Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV) -
Starting at $318.00
Immunogen: WOZ17761 Background:
Tobacco mild green mosaic virus (TMGMV) -
Starting at $318.00
Immunogen: UVJ68486 Background:
Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV) -
Starting at $289.00
Immunogen: Oryza sativa (Os07g0476900 Uniprot: Q84NN4). Synonyms: CDSP32 Out of stock -
Starting at $289.00
Immunogen: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Cre03.g171950 Uniprot: A0A2K3DX44 ) Synonyms: PPC2
Out of stock -
Starting at $289.00
Immunogen: Arabidopsis thaliana (AT5G39790 Uniprot: A0A1R7T3C8) Synonyms: PTST Out of stock