Starting at $289.00
Immunogen: AT4G11180 O82498 Synonyms: DP1, DIR12, ATDIR12, DIRIGENT PROTEIN 1, DIRIGENT PROTEIN 12 Background:
DP1 is a seed coat specific expressed protein, which together with LAC5 involved in neolignan biosynthesis via sinapoylcholine/feruloylcholine, and is essential for the biosynthesis of 8-O-4′-type neolignans in seeds. Out of stock -
Starting at $89.00
Immunogen: AT2G15010 Q8VZK8 Synonyms: AT2G15010 Background:
Thionins are small plant proteins which are toxic to animal cells. This family with the following members: Probable thionin-2.4 (AT1G66100), Thionin-2.2 (AT5G36910), Thionin-2.1 (AT1G72260), Probable thionin-2.3 (AT2G15010), Thionin-like protein 2 (AT1G12663), Thionin-like protein 1 (AT1G12660). They seem to exert their toxic effect at the level of the cell membrane.