AT2G15010 / Anti-Probable thionin-2.3 Antibody

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 Immunogen: AT2G15010    Q8VZK8  
 Synonyms: AT2G15010


Thionins are small plant proteins which are toxic to animal cells. This family with the following members: Probable thionin-2.4 (AT1G66100), Thionin-2.2 (AT5G36910), Thionin-2.1 (AT1G72260), Probable thionin-2.3 (AT2G15010), Thionin-like protein 2 (AT1G12663), Thionin-like protein 1 (AT1G12660). They seem to exert their toxic effect at the level of the cell membrane.
Grouped product items
SKU Product Description Size Type Purification Price Qty
PHY1439S AT2G15010 Antibody 150 μg Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody Serum
PHY6000 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (HRP) 1 ml Goat Polyclonal Antibody Protein A Purified